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China Clay

China Clay

Also known as Kaolin, China Clay is a layered silicate clay mineral that is distinguished from the other forms of industrial minerals based on its properties like its fine particle size, great plasticity, pure coloring and a low shrink-swell capacity. It can stand a temperature up to 1300C and does not shrink or swell in water. Its unique chemical composition of Al2Si2O5(OH)4 and non conduction to heat and electricity makes it a perfect choice for varied applications and industries


Usage And Applications:

China Clay is most widely used in paper, rubber, paint, tableware, tiles, sanitary ware tiles industries. However, it is not confined to these industries only. The physical form of China can usually be Lumps or Powder. Industries like paper, rubber and paint most commonly make use of china clay in powder, but the industries like tableware, refractories, sanitary ware etc. uses both forms of it.

The other forms of China clay can be washed or unwashed forms. Here again, the usage of depends on the industry and application. The common use of China Clay in paper industry is to improve the appearance of paper coating. However, it is not confined to paper coating only, it serves several other purposes viz. enhancing gloss, smoothness and brightness of paper. It can also be used as filler to minimize costs and to lessen the use of natural resources. It is used in paints to increase gloss levels, in rubber to get an alternative to expensive synthetic materials and in adhesives to modify its rheology.

At RESCOM, we supply all forms of China Clay, be it lumps, powder, washed or unwashed, to all industries of its application worldwide. Get in touch with us today to know more about our supply and delivery options in your country.


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